Cherry Jam with Powdered Pectin

cortijoblog cherry jam


I try to use the least amount of sugar for jam-making but it will always depend on the sweetness of the fruit. Sorry about the mixed up measurements, but I liked the simplicity of whole numbers in different systems. 

Cherry Jam


  • 8lb cherries
  • 17 tablespoons powdered pectin
  • 2kg sugar


  1. Roughly pulse the cherries in a food processor.
  2. Transfer to a large preserving pan.
  3. Sprinkle over the pectin and mix thoroughly.
  4. Bring to the boil.
  5. Add in the sugar and stir well.
  6. Bring the jam to a rolling boil and boil for 1 minutes (this takes quite a bit of time).
  7. Skim the scum off the surface with a  slotted spoon.
  8. Pour into jars.
  9. Cook the jars in a water bath for 15 minutes.