The wagtail has returned to the same window sill for the second year. Originally, there were three eggs in the nest but now on 9th April there are five and she seems to be spending longer on the nest. This is quite a bit earlier than last year (18 days earlier).
We think she is either a pied or a white wagtail. The pied wagtail has darker wings and a greyer chest whereas the white wagtail has greyer wings and a white chest. Although neck markings are similar, the distinguishing feature is the beak: the female pied wagtail has a black beak while the female white wagtail has a dark grey beak.
The white wagtail (Motacilla alba) can be found throughout continental Europe and migrates over the winter down from South-Western France through Central Spain and south to Morocco.
Last year, she laid and incubated 5 eggs. I’ll put more photos up from time to time to track her progress.