As a way of conserving the aubergines and having a taste of summer at some later point in the winter months, I decided to use the neighbour’s recipe to make some Spanish pisto (or ratatouille). The only difference between the two is that this is a slightly slushier version with the vegetables diced smaller.
The quantities here will make about seven 400g jars.
5 large aubergines
5 Italian green peppers
2 or 3 large onions5-7 tomatoes
5 courgettes
Dice all the ingredients into 1cm cubes.
In a large pan, fry the onion in some olive oil until soft. Add the green pepper and fry for another couple of minutes before adding the diced aubergine. When the aubergine is soft, add the courgette and tomato and fry until the mixture is soft and slushy. Cook for a further couple of minutes until it is slightly dryer and then bottle.
Cook in a bain marie for 15 minutes.
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